Links tested 1/1/2012
If there's any links you would like to be added, please email me
North Cotes Butts - near Mablethorpe
Lincoln & District Rifle & Pistol Club, Reepham - meet on Sundays
Lincs HFT Club, Waddington
Paul Lane Rifle & Pistol Club - near Huddersfield
Nottinghamshire Rifle Association
Yorkshire Rifle Association
Eley Competition 2012
*UPDATED NSRA Competition Rules 2012
UKBR22 Competition Rules 2010
British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC)
The BASC has lots of information of interest to members -
Guidance and Fact Sheets - including firearms law and security, black powder etc
Recent changes to legislation
Certificate Forms & Fees
British Shooting - the governing body for all target shooting sports
Clay Pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA)
Muzzle Loaders Association of GB (MLAGB)
National Rifle Association (NRA)
National Small Bore Rifle Association (NSRA)
National Shooting Centre, Bisley (NSC)
UK Assoc Rimfire Benchrest Shooting (UKBR22)
Vintage Arms Association (VAA)
*British Deer Society (BDS)
*UPDATED Lincolnshire Police Firearms Dept - includes forms for applying for Firearms Certificate
The Nottinghamshire Police forms can be found here
Applying or a Firearm Certificate
UK Gun Law
Guns and the Law
Review of Gun Control Legislation (NRA website)
London 2012 Olympics - shooting
Lincolnshire Life - Gun Room
Lincolnshire Sports Partnership - a sports charity whose main aim is to increase participation in sport and physical activity across the county (including shooting)
Lincolnshire Quest For Gold - provides an opportunity for individuals aged 16 years or over to volunteer or take part in all Olympic and Paralympic sports across Lincolnshire (including shooting)
Forest Lodge Guns - our local supplier in Wragby, Lincs
** NEW Wolds Target Accessories - an on-line suppier based in Market Rasen - target shooting accessories
** NEW Peritum Shooting Services - specialist smallbore target shooting supplies
Roy Martin - local gunsmith at Dunham on Trent
Steve Kershaw - gunsmith
Norman Clark - gunsmith
Rimfire Magic - for custom rifles, specialising in .22 rifles
Border Barrels - custom tactical rifles
Henry Kranks - for all shooting supplies
JJK Shooting Supplies - for all shooting supplies
Midway UK - for all shooting supplies
Optics Warehouse - optics and shooting accessories
Reloading Solutions - reloading supplies
Sportsman Gun Centre - for all shooting supplies
Tim Hannam - reloading supplies
Intershoot - target shooting supplies
Edinkilllie Sport Services - target shooting supplies
Bedford Target Supplies - target shooting supplies
HPS - target shooting supplies
Rifle Sports - for all shooting supplies
Action Optics - scope repairs
Shooting Directory - loads of shooting and country sports links
Countryman Fairs - around the country
Shooting & Countryman Show - held in February at Newark Showground, Notts NEXT 25/26 Feb 2012
Game Fair - NEXT ONE at Belvoir near Grantham 20/22 July 2012 - cancelled
BBC Shooting Guide - guide to the Olympic shooting events
BBC Shooting News - latest news on shooting
A Lesson from Scotland's shooting stars - an article from the BBC
Beginners Guide to Small-Bore Rifle Shooting
Coaching Articles
Techniques & Tips
Introduction to Reloading
Setting Up a Scope
History of shooting - Wikipedia article with lots of links to more info
A-Z of Shooting Terms
Rifles Unlimited - lots of useful 'how to' articles, including reloading
The Art of Shooting - E-Book
Encyclopedia of bullseye pistol - information on all kinds of shooting
Llanduno & Colwyn Bay Marksmen - lots of info about gallery rifles and reloading
Long Distance Shooting - with black powder, but tips for all disciplines
Rifles in the UK - lots of information about the technical side of shooting
** NEW Clay Shooting Success - technical and mental training advice
Airgun BBS Forum - a great place to ask questions
Pigeon Watch Forum
Neil Stirton's Forum
Gunmart- a shooting magazine
Guns Magazine - an online magazine
Shooting UK - another online magazine
Target Shooter - and another!
6mmBR & Accurate Shooter - a great site for information about rifles and reloading data
Eric Settle's Website - useful info about scopes and shooting in general
Black Powder Shooting - history & info
Charcoal Burner - website about black powder shooting
Plans for making a portable shooting table
Guntrader - guns for sale online
Jit-Pak Waterproof Cases - for firearms cases
Targetmaster - automated trickler for reloading
Sport England - funding opportunities
Information about Small Grant funding
National Shooting Week (2nd to 10th June 2012) introduction to shooting
Cumbria & Northumberland TSA
Hendon League
Polar Bear League
Other Ranges - range reports
MOD Ranges
London & Middlesex Rifle Association - based at Bisley, have accommodation